Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Making Bingo Easier - New Bingo Audit Screen

As we continue to improve CG Made Easy and expand the number of MN organizations using the application, we find the bingo module to not be as intuitive as we would like.  We therefore reviewed the auditing process and are happy to introduce a new process for documenting bingo sessions which we hope you find to be far easier.

Currently you have the option to audit your bingo sessions in the traditional manner.  But next to each bingo session, you now have an option to select NEW next to each session date.  This takes you to the new bingo audit screen.  From this new screen, it is simple to enter the serial numbers played in the session, as well as enter the audit details.

Any updates you make currently to the new method are applied to the original method and visa versa.  We set it up this way so you can use the next month to become familiar with the new bingo auditing process.  Next month, we'll be terminating the original bingo auditing process and exclusively offer the new audit screen.

We have you agree that this new bingo audit screen is much easier to use.  As always, we welcome your feedback.  Than kyou

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Updated Line Item Definition Reports

Happy Spring everyone!  

One of the most often used reports within CGME is the set of Line Item Definition reports.  Historically, some of these reports such as the Initial Start Bank and the Negative Game Reimbursement reports have required the need to display data all the way back to the start of your having used the system.

We've updated the date range so you can now select the first day of any month as your opening balance date and carry that forward to the current month.  This will now allow you to just focus on your current month or any more targeted date range you desire.

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Login Screen Now Includes Our Blog

We created this blog for the purpose of helping keep our user community current with updates and information about enhancements or other new related to CGME,  We recognized that having it linked from our website is far less convenient compared to having it within a screen you use every day.  Therefore, we released today the new login screen with this blog feed built in.  We hope you find this a helpful tool for staying informed in order to maximize the opportunities available within CGME.  Thank you!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Update with Paying Distributor Invoices

Until today, if you have a check or direct debit to your distributor, but some invoices are equipment while the rest are gaming invoices, you've had to separate your expense into 2 transactions.

We have introduced an "ADD EQUIPMENT INVOICE" option at the bottom of the screen after you APPLY the gaming invoices you are paying.  Simply click on that link for each equipment invoice you are paying and everything can be incorporated into you your single distributor payment.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report and Update

Heading to the premise to take your month-end physical inventory?  Take our new report with you.  On the Dashboard, click on the PHYSICAL INVENTORY link in the Reconciliation section.  At the top, we have a PRINT button now offering you an easy way to print your inventory to take with you to check off you inventory.

Of course, if you haven't yet audited all your games, the list with include those games that have yet to be audited, but at least this can offer you some efficiency with being able to click off your games as compared to having to write them all out.

In addition, you'll notice that we removed the "IS RECONCILED" checkbox at the bottom of the screen.  This is no longer required.  Simply select SUBMIT as you work through your reconciliations and these will save as expected.